• ¼ cup organic raw sugar
  • ½ cup hot filtered water (no chlorine or fluoride)
  • 750ml room temperature filtered water (no chlorine or fluoride)
  • 1 organic dried fig
  • ½ organic lemon (no wax or chemical sprays on the skin)
  • 2 tbsp water Kefir grains


  1. Place sugar in a wide-mouthed 1.5 – 2 LT glass jar.
  2. Add hot water and swirl to dissolve sugar.
  3. Add remaining water, dried fig and lemon and allow to cool completely.
  4. When cool add water kefir grains using a plastic or wooden spoon. (They don’t like metal.)
  5. Cover the jar with a piece of muslin and secure in place with a rubber band and place in a warm spot to culture for 24-48 hours.
  6. Taste daily (using a plastic spoon) until you’re happy that the grains have eaten the sugar and the Kefir is fizzy and tangy enough for your taste.
  7. When you’re happy with the taste, strain the Kefir crystals out using a plastic sieve and put into a new batch of sugar water, as in steps 1-6 above.
  8. The finished water kefir is now ready to consume, flavour, bottle or store in the refrigerator.

NB: As this is only a brief summary of how to make water Kefir I suggest you do a bit of research before making your first batch to make sure you are doing it right. 🙂  I read the following article before starting out several years ago: http://nourishedkitchen.com/water-kefir/

Your kefir grains can be kept in the fridge in sugar water until you need to use them again. They will need more food (sugar syrup) if you don’t use them for a week or two. Simply strain out the old syrup and pop the crystals into the new syrup in a clean jar.
