My Grand Plan and Food Philosophy

If anyone had told me I’d have a website and a blog as little as 2 years ago I’d have laughed till I fell off my chair! Me? Computer challenged me who shies away from all things internet and technology based? IT does my head in!

Yet here I am!


It’s simple! I have a plan! It’s a plan that I want to share with the world and this webpage/blog seems like the perfect way to go about making magic happen! Here’s my plan:

I plan to make a massive difference in the world.

I plan to do as much good on this earth as I can for the time I am here.

I plan to leave the world a better place for me having been in it.

I plan to inspire others to lead healthy balanced lifestyles.

I plan to inspire others to be the best versions of themselves that they can possibly be.

I plan to help people all around the globe lead healthy balanced lifestyles while taking care of our beautiful home – this amazingly incredible planet that we call Earth.

That’s it in a nutshell! My passion for healthy living is the driving force behind this web page and my beliefs fuel my passion.

I believe many things but mostly I believe that:

• Our health is our most precious commodity
• We need to take responsibility for our own health.
• Our bodies are miraculous self-healing machines that can overcome many injuries, sicknesses and illnesses given the right fuel and rest.
• Nature nurtures best.
• All that we need to live a healthy life is within ourselves and within nature.
• Wholesome, healthy food is medicine for our bodies.
• Clean, chemical-free water is essential for a healthy life.
• We should eat foods that exist in nature or that we’ve created ourselves from whole ingredients.
• We need to pay attention to our minds, our bodies, our souls and our subconscious minds.
• We have a deep responsibility to take care of this beautiful planet, Earth, that we are living on.
• We need to adopt sustainable practices wherever possible – every little thing makes a difference. Reduce waste, ensure garbage is recycled where possible, cut down on pollution in all forms, speak out where you see big businesses breaking environmental rules and become aware of ways to help Earth survive for many millenniums to come.
• We are masters of our own destinies and can do anything we want, so long as we put our mind and all our energy into it.
• Everything exists as a possibility.
• One should always do their best and be the best and let others do the rest.

So I’m starting with food and cooking as that is one of my strengths, having been a chef for 20 years, a cooking teacher for many more and more recently a nutritionist. I’ve felt guilty for not sharing my cooking gifts for years so I’m off-loading that guilt here and now!

As this site develops you will see the site expand to embrace all things necessary for a healthy balanced lifestyle and I’m excited by the possibilities there and hope you are too.

If you are inspired to make the smallest of changes in your lifestyle as a result of reading one of my posts or cooking one of my recipes then I am ecstatic!

Thank you for stopping by so I could share my vision with you and feel free to pass the site details to anyone in need of guidance and help in all areas of their lives.

Yours in happiness and good health,

Fiona Hoskin:-)
